About the Binder
Clair Emma Smith is a professional Bookbinder specializing in repair located in Oakland, California. She obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Art History from Purdue University in 2014 and completed her degree in Bookbinding and Repair at North Bennet Street School in 2019. Currently, she is obtaining her Master's Degree in Library Information Sciences at San Jose State University, with a concentration in Archives Preservation.
Clair Emma has completed internships in Book and Paper Conservation at the Indiana Historical Society, National Park Service, and Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC). She has also held the position of Conservation Technician at the Notarial Archives in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Today, she works as a Bookbinder and Conservator at Zukor Art Conservation and as a contractor for ACT Art Conservation in San Mateo, California. Clair Emma can also be found teaching bookbinding classes at the San Francisco Center for the Book.